POSTED ON February 5, 2013 BY admin

Excitement continues to build as we anticipate John Holloway’s visit to ‘Maritzburg onTuesday, 9th October. Here’s what our Padkos friends and comrades need to know:
9am: we’ll kick off at the Varsity Club (Golf Road campus, UKZN) for coffee, input and a padkos conversation with John Holloway. This morning session is not a public event. It is only open to people on the CLP Padkos mailing list.
12 noon till 1pm: we’ll share lunch together at the same venue.
1:30 to 2:30pm: public seminar open to everyone, at the New Arts Building (Golf Road campus, UKZN) in Room 107.
3pm on: we hope to chill at the end of the day with drinks and live music from Pan Latino at the Varsity Club (we’ll confirm closer to the time).
Make sure to join us!
In this second Padkos serving of Holloway material, we are sharing three short and readable pieces that give good insight into John’s political thinking. The “12 theses” are a great summary of the arguments and insights of Holloway’s absolutely seminal 2002 book, Change the world without taking power. In the 2007 interview, Holloway talks about contemporary political questions from the perspective of his own radically democratic outlook. This allows him to unpack the idea of an emancipatory politics “at a distance from the state” in a way that is practical and inspiring – and that will certainly provoke reflection and insight on our own current situation. Finally, his comments on thepolitics of dignity provide yet more glimpses of the warm humanity and revolutionary hope that characterises Holloway’s entire project. Enjoy!
Get in touch with Cindy at the CLP office on (033) 2644 380 to confirm your attendance and secure your place. Read the Attachment – Holloway 12 theses
Read the Attachment – Politics of Dignity and the Politics of Poverty
Read the Attachment – John Holloway Interview