Rev. Thulani Zikhali
Chairperson of the Board
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Anna Selmeczi
Vice- Chairperson of the Board
Anna has a background in political theory is and currently a lecturer at the African Centre for Cities at the University of Cape Town. One of the core questions of her practice as a partner in learning and struggle is the place of knowledge in defining particular orders at various levels of our societies, as well as in emancipatory political praxes that disrupt these orders. CLP’s practice is exemplary of the latter in Anna’s view, and that is why serving on the board is such an honor.

Rod Bulman
Treasurer of the Board
Rod has committed his life to building community through participation. CLP’s vision of this provides a vehicle through which he can continue to contribute even though he is now retired, and that brings him great joy.

Ms. Duduzile Radebe
Human Resource Committee
Duduzile Radebe is a feminist, social justice activist. Her activism commenced as a young person in structures such as Jubilee 2000 South Africa, Women’s National Coalition and Youth for Work. Her working experience has intentionally been to be in solidarity with marginalised individuals and groups within the Civil Society sector, since 1997, in organisations such as SANGOCO, CARE South Africa Lesotho, the Foundation for Human Rights, ECNGOC, South Africa Partners, PACSA and currently as a Director of CREATE-CBR, an organisation that works with people living with disabilities. She remains committed to advocating for a just society, by putting impoverished marginalised people at the front of their own struggle for justice.

Stha Yeni
board member
Stha is a feminist activist, researcher, and development practitioner with over 16 years’ work experience on land, food and water justice, nature conservation, environmental and climate justice, feminist organising and social movement building. She is also a popular educator and trainer, academic mentor, writer, process and strategic facilitator for social movements and civil society organisations. She has worked with rural and urban movements in Southern Africa, managed and coordinated research, managed grants, developed monitoring & multi-modal learning tools for international organisations & grassroots movements. She holds two Masters’ degrees and is currently completing a PhD in land and agrarian and environmental studies. She serves on several national boards of organisations that focus on LGBTIQ+ rights, environmental & land justice, food & seed sovereignty and on governance of the commons.

Mziwandile Nkutha
Board Member
Mziwandile (Mzi) Nkutha is the Coordinator of the Anabaptist Network in South Africa (ANiSA) – an organisation that seeks ways to collaborate with different churches, community organisations and, individuals interested in fostering the work of justice and peace in South Africa. He grew up in Soweto and still carries the significant Kasi (township) culture with him. Township life is an ongoing (re)production of hybrid political and cultural expression or forms of creolization. This gift assists him to both understand our world but more so, to contribute in the making and reshaping of the world. His social interests include learning from different cultural experiences, including the love of (Afro)jazz, good food and good African coffees. He is also interested in exploring modes of being-in-the-world that disavows colonial influences through a particular kind of theological imagination.
Sonto currently works as the Director of the Ecumenical Services for Socio Economic Transformation (ESSET) and hails from Sebokeng, Gauteng. She studied at the Vaal University of Technology. Sonto has worked at ESSET since 2005 on various social justice issues including building and strengthening the voice of informal traders, … conceptualizing and beginning to apply the politics and culture of solidarity economies in a possible South African context,She is engaged in various social justice platforms, noting that she is selective about her alignment and peacefully out of order, where necessary. Sonto is appreciates the politics and work of CLP and has a natural ability to analyse and articulate.