Exciting Update: In, Against & Beyond Corona

POSTED ON October 28, 2020 BY admin


dear CLP and padkos friends,
During August, we rather nervously circulated some of our reflections on the experience of living through the Corona crisis here in South Africa. We were thrilled when that piece – In, against and beyond corona: What does the corona crisis in South Africa reveal to us? – was picked up by radical international publisher, Daraja Press. Before going to print, Daraja asked internationally renowned writer and thinker John Holloway, for his comments. John has responded saying:

“This is a fabulous book. Usually a blurb or endorsement like this is supposed to enhance the book, but in this case the flow is in the other direction. For me it is a huge honour to be associated with it. Like many others, I have been trying for months to get my head around what is happening, trying to formulate my ideas, and then here it is, in these pages, so clear, so understanding, so challenging. How we now go on to shape the interconnectedness between people and between people and other forms of life will determine the future of humanity. The best, most sensitive, most realistic, strongest thing that I’ve read on the Corona Crisis.”

NEWS FLASH: Everyone on our padkos mailing list will receive a hard copy of In, against and beyond corona: What does the corona crisis in South Africa reveal to us? soon. If your postal address has changed or you are not sure we have the correct one, please e-mail the correct details through to us immediately be replying to this email.

We also hope that you will share information about the booklet widely within your networks – people can order their own copies from Daraja Press here: https://darajapress.com/publication/in-against-beyond-corona.