Padkos No 112: Here we are now

POSTED ON July 5, 2022 BY admin


Welcome, we are here now- at the last offering in this season of padkos that we’ve called “being… here… now…”. In some ways it always felt like a slightly risky theme to highlight and sustain. We know that a focus on the care and wellbeing of individual people, including ourselves, can be seen as indulgent and individualistic, at the expense of political activism and revolutionary social change. But this separation of the personal from the social is not a division or distinction we believe to be true.

In your attached padkos note, we review this past season of padkos and draw together some themes. In other attachments, we’re sharing

(a) short extracts from an interview with Guilherme Boulos, a Brazilian militant with the Movimento dos Trabalhadores Sem Teto, that articulates a deep connection between psychological wellbeing and radical transformation; and

(b) Kristin Neff’s 2021 piece: “Four Ways Self-Compassion Can Help You Fight for Social Justice”.

Thank you for journeying with us through this year and for ‘being .. here .. now’.

here we are now – a padkos note

extracts from Struggles of the Roofless

Four Ways Self-Compassion Can Help You Fight for Social Justice

edited version components of well being