Extractive Industries: the current state of play

POSTED ON March 1, 2017 BY admin



Since at least 2015, the Church Land Programme (CLP) has been struck by the growing number of communities dealing with the prospects of fracking for natural gas and expanded mining of untapped coal reserves in parts of KwaZulu-Natal. We’ve asked Jasper Finkeldy to help paint a picture of the dynamics, interests, trajectories of the current situation to help us think through particular struggles and locate them in that broader context. Jasper is a PhD Researcher at the University of Essex and currently a Visiting Scholar at University of KwaZulu-Natal.
Please do join us for this critical discussion on Thursday, 2 March. Come at about 1:30 for a light lunch and we’ll get going at 2pm.
Please see attached some intro comments from CLP as well as a recent paper by Finkeldy.