Monthly Archives: September 2015

School of Thought: Part 3: Lewis R. Gordon – What Fanon Said. Wednesday 7 October at 10.30am

Lewis R. Gordon returns as the next in our remarkable series of radical padkos visitors for CLP’s 2015 “School of Thought”. We’re so grateful and humbled to have had Raquel Gutiérrez Aguilar address and engage us in the previous session. It was profoundly insightful, and very productive in relation to our own thinking of emancipatory

School of Thought: Part 2: Raquel Gutierrez Aguilar- Bolivia: People’s Power and State Power, Saturday, 12 September at 10.00am

Thanks to Richard Pithouse and all who attended for a stunning first session in the padkos “School of Thought”! What a great discussion exploring current meanings and value in Fanon’s liberatory insistence on the ongoing ‘mutation’ of humans – ‘the recovery of the human from a history of waste’ in the phrasing of Achille Mbembe